Category: Uncategorized

  • mat deris how to write a papers

    referensi minimal 20, should from autstanding journal and dont  elsevier minimal 100. riset dibagi 2. fundamental and applied. fundamental membtuhkan perhitungan matematik(proved). interesting paper : global issue(global warming, green tech, epidemic diseas), current issue(big data, warcrime, household-debt, refugee), significant contribution(graphene, kecukupan.makanan, corruption, education & poverty) result & discussion : presenting result and discussion, presenting result…

  • Installasi Cassandra Centos

    This is a basic multi-node cassandra setup. Initial Server Setup Hardware Information All the server were with below configuration. CPU : 40 Cores RAM : 192GB Setting Host for cassandra Setting up the servers and update /etc/hosts as below. #Adding CASSANDRA NODES CASSANDRA01 #SEED CASSANDRA02 #Worker CASSANDRA03 #Worker Updating hostname on all servers. Update hostnames as required. sudo…

  • RMAN Recovery

    ​Ibnu Asror: RMAN will use certain default values. Sometimes, these default values may not be sufficient (depending on your version/os). This is a well known behavior. set this environment variable to a higher value. export ORA_RMAN_SGA_TARGET= xxxxxxx

  • Cron Job

    Crontab – Configure CronJob # crontab -e   A crontab file has five fields for specifying day , date and time followed by the command to be run at that interval. * * * * * command to be executed – – – – – | | | | | | | | | +—–…

  • ClearOS LDAP Failed To Start

    There are a few steps you can take to recover from a corrupt LDAP database. These have been scattered around the forums a bit – but can be summarised below Backup your existing LDAP database:- (do this routinely!, it is done as part of the ClearCenter Remote Server Backup configuration, so recommend using this service…


    dari sumber nya lebih lengkap, silahkan cek sendiri Begini bro caranya :   rsync -avz -e ssh /home/kinan/ [email protected]:/backup/kinan/   asumsi : ssh sudah bisa dilakukan dari client ke server.

  • FreeBSD MYSQL Configuration

    thanks to for the tip. FreeBSD does not automatically include a default my.cnf for MySQL. Instead, a set of sample configuration files can be found under /usr/local/share/mysql. These configuration files include my-small.cnf, my-medium.cnf, my-large.cnf, my-innodb-heavy-4G, and my-huge.cnf. The appropriate file can be copied and used as a template configuration by performing the following actions: cd /usr/local/share/mysql/ cp /usr/local/share/mysql/mysql-large.cnf /usr/local/etc/my.cnf /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server restart

  • Tips Menghafal Al-Qur’an Oleh : Syaikh Wahid Abdussalam Bali “Saya benar-benar akan menghafal dengan mudah, tidak akan sulit, sama sekali tidak akan mengganggu pekerjaan maupun tugas ataupun perdagangan saya. Cukup 15 menit per hari, kapan pun yang penting hanya 15 menit perhari.” Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim… 1. Niat yang ikhlas karena Allah. 2. Menghafal dari 1 cetakan mushaf. 3. Menghafal dengan talaqqi dari qori’ yang hafidz.…

  • Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (MSDM)

    Sumber :   Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (MSDM) Menurut (Drs.Malayu S.P.Hasibuan.2007) MSDM adalah ilmu dan seni mengatur hubungan dan peranan tenaga agar efektif dan efisien membantu terwujudnya tujuan perusahaan,karyawan ,dan masyarakat. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (MSDM) menurut Marwansyah (2010:3), manajemen sumber daya manusia dapat diartikan sebagai pendayagunaan sumber daya manusia di dalam organisasi, yang…

  • Nginx or Apache

    Dari beberapa kejadian penggunaan web server untuk server blog Sangat direkomendasikan menggunakan Nginx Apache lebih berat jika dibandingkan Nginx, dan hampir Nginx sangat stable.   mari belajar konfig Nginx :     Terima Kasih